People, places, and spaces get reinvented, but their spirit never leaves. Share your spirit. Share your reactions to Pamela's work. Contact Pamela DeMarris »
reviews, articles, & published work
“Art about the Land”, The Herald Bulletin, Anderson, IN, 2008
“A Shared Life on Display: Pamela de Marris," Fort Wayne Reader, Fort Wayne, IN, 2007
Hidden, Jacket cover for novel published by Simon and Schuster, New York, NY, 2004
From the Darkroom to Digital Studio, Exploring Color Photography 4th Ed, 2004, Hirsch
Entertainment Weekly, Issue #753 “Haven Kimmel” February 27, 2004
Serious Humorists, Catalog, Maryland Art Place, Baltimore, Maryland
Grand Rapids Press Sunday, January 12, 2003 ‘Arts Secton’
Indianapolis Star Weekend Magazine, Cover, Friday, August 16, 2002
NUVO July 17 – 24 , 2002 “Ignorant Bliss”
Richmond Palladium Thursday, February 21, 2002 Today Lifestyles sec., Capturing Vivid Images
Jar, December 2000, Cover and Pages 12-15, by Michelle Kinsey
Nuvo Newsweekly, December 21-28, 2000, vol. 11, Issue 42, page 23
The Indianapolis Star Sunday, February 7, 1999, by Steve Mannheimer, page 17, Arts sec.
Nuvo December 3-10, 1998, Vol. 9 Issue 39, Indianapolis, IN
Tribune Star July 1997, by Gordon Walters, Terre Haute, IN
Photonews April 197, Edition 32, Milan, Italy, Portfolio
Arts Indiana December 196, Vol. 18 Portfolio Section, Indianapolis, IN
Complicidades November 1996, Newsletter, Centro Colombo Americano, Medellin, Colombia
Exploring Color Photography, Third Ed. W.C. Brown, Hirsch, Bob, 1997, Pg 107
Arts Indiana April 1996, Vol. 18, No. 3 Arts Review by Rai Peterson pg. 16, Indianapolis, IN
Art New England February/March 1996 Vol. 17, No. 2, Galleries, Art Preview, Boston, MA
CD-ROM Photography in the 1990’s Wright State University, OH February, 1996
Chicago Reader Volume 24, no. 27 Sec. 1, April 7, 1995 pg. 7 “Art People: DeMarris”
Photometro Porfolio, Volume 13. Issue 125, February, 1995, San Francisco, CA
Meta/Physics January/February 1995, Hope College, Holland, MI pgs.20,21,38
The Daily Progress “Lifestyles”, Sec. D, January 19, 1995, pgs. D1-D3, Charlottesville, VA
Las Vegas Sun Art News, November 18, 1994, Las Vegas, NV
Chicago Reader, Vol. 23, No. 37, Sec. 2, June 17, 1994, pg 19
Rockland Journal-News October 24, 1993, pg 1, Sec C, Rockland, NY
Exploring Color Photography W.C. Brown, Hirsch, 1993 pg 111
Arts Indiana December 1992, Vol. 14, No. 9, Oblique Memories Exhibit Review, pgs 34-35
New Art Examiner February/March 1992, pg 43 “Images of Gender”
Dialogue March/April 1992, pg25 “Art by Women” Columbus, OH
Proposte Per Un Museo Di Fotografia Contemporanea pg 110, Roma, Italy 1990
Arts Indiana, January 1991 Cover, Renunciation #9, Indianapolis, IN
Puchong Folios 1991 Edition pages 7-10/43-46 Vol 1, No 2, NYC, NY
Dialogue November/December 1990, pg 23 Review, Columbus, OH
New Art Examiner Deceber 1990, pg 45 “The Power of Invention”
Arts Indiana June 1990, Indianapolis, IN “Pamela deMarris:Renunciations” pg 35, Vol 12, No 5
The Houston Post May 20, 1990, “Art” pg H9, Chadwick
Arts Indiana April 1989, Indianapolis, IN “Not Without Taking Everyone Else Along” pg 17-19
Arts Indiana February 1989, Indianapolis “Seven Personal Histories” pg14
Dialogue - An Art Journal, March/April 1989 pg 43, Columbus, OH
Fotoscene 12. Jahrgang-Nr. 1/89-Marz-DM12-D5717F Frankfurt, West Germany, pgs 54-55
Images Ink Vol 3 No 1 “Contemporary Visions: Indiana” Cincinnati, OH
ZOOM Italian Edition, June 1989
Art Press 128 September 1988, Paris, France, pgs 24-64, R. Durand
Arts Indiana May 1988 Vol. 10, No. 4, Interview, pgs. 26-27
Elle June 1988, French Edition, Paris, France
Exploring Color Photography, W.C. Brown, Hirsch, pg. 168, 1988
Photo Magazine, September 1988, Paris, France pg 32
Photographies Magazine, June 1988, Paris, France
The Chicago Tribune Friday Magazine Oct. 9, 1987, Sec 7, pg 100
Photo Review, Summer 1987, Vol 10, No 3